Betrayal? Or something like it.
You chose to live the way you do. I chose to “attempt” to love you through your mess. I realized very early on that i didn't have the energy it would take. To get you to see just what him and the life he introduced you to was doing to you. Everyone else was to blame, except for me. I was the last one standing in your corner on the boulevard of broken things. i reached out to your mom to see if there had been any news. I haven't seen you since July, it's October now and your birthday just passed. You would see me calling her as a “betrayal” even though i had good intentions. You always wanted me to hate everyone that you did, and i did it because i loved you. The distance that drugs and the streets have put between us feels like we're countries apart. I know you're here somewhere, it just feels like we were never friends, i must have just created you in my head. Someone i still see in my dreams at night, the person you used to be. We haven't talked in months but i still felt like i was betraying you today, by simply talking to the one person you hate, just to see if you were okay.