She is started her old behavior again - Shouting Unnecessarily - Noticed another behavior

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Since the time we returned our Coorg trip. I'm realizing that she is happy till the time, I'm spending money on her. She was very happy on the trip.

As soon as we landed in home, she started showing her symptoms of frustration, shouting. I could stare at her face at her unneccessary frustration and shouting either at me or at kids.

She looks very happy if I keep on spending money, roam outside, buy new things, eat outside etc. 

Actually, she was like this only. She changed herself since December 2021, when I kind of declared that we are separating. She changed like vow. If she could remain like that in our initial marriage days, life would be different.

Anyway, she is coming back to her previous life. Which looks bad for me.


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