I have a dream / I want to dream / I need to dream

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Dream is a portal for me to escape the loneliness, the mundane, the pain, the anguish and the bored life. Today pain secretly sliced me a couple of times. My heart was bleeding. I dont know what to do.I tried to distract by plugging songs. Perhaps I should pray. I was so exhausted after teaching just now. I was literally crawling to the bus stop. I feel bored and restless. 

Dear Heavenly Father, be with me. When I feel pain, may You send forth angels to draw a hedge of protection over me. Heal my heart and grief go away! When I feel lonely, may a song of hope arises. When I feel bored, help me. In the most precious name of Jesus CHrist I pray

I have a dream : To meet a godly man and we serve together

I want to dream: To lead a healthy lifestyle where I can hang out with new friends, talk , walk and chat with one another

I need to dream: To pray fervently for the business to increase in numbers so that there is continuity and increase my faith in finances, able to pay rent and salaries and minister to students

God, help me.


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