Can you make a coffee for me? Ego?

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Her parents were here on Rakhi. She was full of energy till they were here. As soon as they went, she is like a falling card, she became weak, she became angry, she became arrogant.

She asked me, make a coffee. I said, I will make it just like tea, mix coffee and give it to you. She just said, I will make it. And, she made it and did not ask me for it. When she was having it, I asked where is mine, she said I did not make yours.

Communication ended here, on good note. I did not say anything. 

Its been 3 days, since her mood is bad. I asked her few times, I was kind of hesitant in asking her, as she could blast anytime. I knew about her. She said nothing. 

Today, I asked her again, come on what is happenning. She said she had overload of work, which I understood. She said, I asked you to make coffee, and you did not make it. I was surprised, I told her what happened on that day. If you could just say it again, come on you can prepare it like the way you want. I could try that, but no, your ego.

I calmly told her, when two normal person talks, its quite usual that if one person said something, other person can calmly or casually say something else. But no, for you, its either a yes or no. You live with your ego.

Its very difficult to live with such person.


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