Balcony Railing has become a big event these days
As I mentioned, there is some work going on in our new flat. Due to Jaypee's problems, I'm in constant fear that whether Jaypee will allow extension of balcony or not. Its been so many days, that our contractor is working very slowly. We decided that he will finish his work on 31st Aug 2021. But, no. If he will go by this spee, he will require another month.
Yesterday, I went to flat. Seeing, he has made a big mess, kept flat dirty. I called our electrician Jitender, to discuss pending work. I also took his advice about balcony. According to him, there should be no trouble now.
I tried my luck going to the vendor to whom Ramesh has given railing work. I went to his shop, took his number and talk to him. He said, it will take 2 more days. I told him, you take more days, but tell me a date, when it will be finalized. Its been a week since you are telling lies.